Nature Moments

The Pinacate Beetle
WHICH AMUSING WETLANDS PARK BEETLE CAN ALSO BE A “STINKER”? Tap-tap-tap. Click-click-click. Clop-clop-clop! My husband...

The Yerba Mansa
WHAT ISN’T THIS “COOL” WETLANDS PARK PLANT REPUTED TO CURE? From curing stomach aches, colds,...

The Texas Spiny Softshell Turtle
WHICH WETLANDS PARK TURTLE IS NO “SOFTY”? What a cute face! At least, I think...

The American Bullfrog
What Wetlands Park Critter “Croaks Up” a Storm in the Summer Months? Croak, croak, croak!!!...

The Rock Wren
WHICH WETLANDS PARK BIRD IS A TRUE ARTISAN? Rock wrens (Salpinctes obsoletus) are common resident...

The Sandbar Willow
what under-valued wetlands park tree looks like a shrub? The clumping sandbar willow (Salix exigua),...

The Plecostomus
WHAT “introduced” FISH SPECIES at WETLANDS pARK can ALSO DO TIME ON LAND? The plecostomus...

The Red Swamp Crayfish
BABY LOBSTERS AT WETLANDS PARK? WELL, NOT REALLY... Clark County Wetlands Park is home to...