Back to School Event at Boulevard Mall a Tremendous Success

Wetlands Park Friends

The “Back to School event at the Boulevard Mall on Saturday was a tremendous success! Friends distributed 265 packs of waterproof markers with Friends’, Wetlands Park, and REI’s logos on them, along with Friends and Park literature and promotional items.
Wearing a large wolf spider headband, Friends Vice President Linda Wiltberger greeted families waiting in line and answered their questions. Many were surprised to learn Wetlands Park is about twenty minutes away, open seven days a week, and does not charge an admission fee. It is truly “Nature Close to Home.”
Based on the number of backpacks distributed by the Las Vegas Metro Police Department, over 1,200 children, accompanied by one or more adults, participated in this event. Suzann Pruitt, Friends Director of Membership noted, “The kids were happy to receive the markers and many parents were very interested in the family activities offered at Wetlands Park.”
Membership Committee Member Annette White also assisted in greeting kids and parents at in the event and handing out supplies. Here are some pictures taken by Friends Secretary Gail Raffel, who also participated in the event: