Want to Help Spread Word on the Wetlands Park Navigator?

A white t - shirt with the word wp on it.

It’s a year since we helped launched the Wetlands Park Navigator with Clark County Wetlands Park, which is downloadable for free in the Apple and Google Store. Friends was instrumental in obtaining the app’s technology and support services through 2024. Usage continues to increase:

Here are some exciting statistics for you to note on the Park’s deployment of this mobile app:

In the last 90 days:

· There were 408 users (+24.8%)

· Of those, 264 new users (+33.3%)

· The app was used 8,200 times

· The top user ID countries (aside from US) were: UK, India, Canada, Belgium, Botswana, Switzerland

· Most (85%) users found the app through link (e.g. QR code), the remainder from organic searches

· Maps were viewed most (577 times)

· Park tours taken 286 times

Here’s where you can get involved:

  • Use the mobile app the next time you go to the Park or just want to “check things out” from the comfort of your home”
  • Help others to use the app in English, Tagalog, and Spanish–it’s all available on the app!
  • Additionally, Cats Sheely, Friends Board Director of Special Projects, hopes to engage some members and other volunteers to wear the shirts during planned and unplanned events in the Park. If you have any interest in being involved in this project, please go to the Friends website https://wetlandsparkfriends.org/about/ and fill out the “Letter of Interest” form and send it back to the attention of Cats at [email protected].