
Photo: The Park's American avocets are extreme feeding specialists. Their long, slender bills turn up at the end and are often used to sweep the water just below the surface, setting up minute currents that waft small creatures in between their mandibles.

Friends Is Thankful for Its Partners

First coined by the philosopher Aristotle, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." In other words, when individual parts are connected, the synergy is worth more than if the parts were silos.

When it comes to conserving and protecting our planet, Friends is grateful to call these public, private, and nonprofit organizations its partners.

Friends Is Thankful for Its Partners

First coined by the philosopher Aristotle, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." In other words, when individual parts are connected, the synergy is worth more than if the parts were silos.

When it comes to conserving and protecting our planet, Friends is grateful to call these public, private, and nonprofit organizations its partners.

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